Pavlo Makov

Born in 1958, he is currently based between his hometown Kharkiv, Ukraine, and Florence, Italy. He studied at Saint Petersburg Academy of Arts, Crimean Art College after M. Samokish in Simferopol, Crimea and Kharkiv Art and Industrial Institute, at the faculty of graphic arts. He is a member of the Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers in London, the Funen Graphic Workshop in Denmark and the Artist's Union of Ukraine. Makov's works have been repeatedly exhibited at auctions and major national and international exhibitions. He is a laureate of the Silver Medal of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine (2009) and the Shevchenko Prize (2018). 

Makov's works are housed in the National Art Museum (Kyiv), the Center for Contemporary Art (Osaka), the Victoria and Albert Museum (London), the National Gallery (Washington) and the Library of Congress (Washington).

In 2022 his work Fountain of Exhaustion. Acqua Alta was selected to represent Ukraine at 59th International Art Exhibition — La Biennale di Venezia.

Shows at The Naked Room:
Personal exhibitions:

2023 Pages from Abracadabra, L'Atlas, Paris

2022 Le Due Rose, Cartavetra Art Gallery, Florence
Fountain of Exhaustion. Acqua Alta, Ukrainian Pavilion at 59th Biennale di Venezia, Arsenale, Venezia

2021 Mappa Mundi, Lutsk Museum of Contemporary Art

2020 Forlorn, The Naked Room gallery, Kyiv

2019 A Swallow and a Ficus, Ya Gallery, Lviv, Ukraine
A Swallow and a Ficus, Ya Gallery, Kyiv

2018 Notebook with a Missing page, Come In Gallery, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Paradiso Perduto, Municipal Gallery, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Notebook with a Missing page, International charity foundation IZOLYATSIA
Platform for cultural initiatives, Kyiv

2017 Plans 2017, Dukat Gallery, Kyiv
Fountain, Andrey Sheptytsky National Museum, Lviv, Ukraine

2016 Terni Lapilli. Giochi di Guerra, International Foundation Il Bisonte, Florence, Italy
State of things, Dukat Gallery, Kyiv
Thirty-sixth Alliance 22. Light category. Makov — Morandi. Session 7”, Literature-Memorial Museum to M. Bulgakov, Kyiv
Encounters/ with Victoria Vinogradova, Doris Ghetta gallery, Ortisei, Italy

2015 Margin, Ya Gallery, Kyiv
Margin, Ya Gallery, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

2014 Paradiso Perduto, National Art Museum of Ukraine, Kyiv

2013 Set, HudPromo, Odessa, Ukraine

2012 Blanket, Garden, Tower, Cross, Fate, PinchukArtCentre, Kyiv

2010 Donrosa, National Art Museum of Ukraine, Kyiv

2009 Through The Looking-Glass, Municipal Gallery, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Alleys, Ya Gallery, Kyiv

2008 Gardens, Art Center Dziga, Lviv, Ukraine
Gardens, Ya Gallery, Kyiv

2007 Artist books & Miniatures, Ya Gallery, Kyiv
Gardens, Postimperial Disquietness, The Czech Museum of Fine Arts, Prague
20 years after, Tsekh Gallery, Kyiv

2006 Gardens, Bereznitska Gallery, Kyiv
Gardens, National Museum of Russian Art, Kyiv

2004 Siege of the Pentagon, Guelman Gallery, Moscow

2003 Siege of the Pentagon, Atelier Karas Gallery, Kyiv
UtopiA, 1993-2003, retrospective, National Art Museum of Ukraine, Kyiv

2002 UtopiA, fragments, Atelier Karas Gallery, Kyiv
UtopiA, fragments, Palitra Gallery, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Tin Diaries, Gallery Groll, Naarden, Holland
Tin Diaries, Contemporary Art Center SOVIART & Guelman Gallery, Kyiv

2001 Tin Diaries, City Art Museum, Gyor, Hungary
Tin Diaries MML, Allested, Denmark
Tin Diaries, Palitra Gallery, Kharkiv, Ukraine

2000 The Book of Days, Center for Contemporary Art, Kyiv
The Book of Days. Fragments, Chamaliers, France
The Book of Days. Fragments, Kaliningrad Art Museum, Kaliningrad, Russia
Anatomy of a Target and Other Stories, Groll Gallery, Naarden, Holland

1999 Anatomy of a Target and Other Stories, Grapheion Gallery, Prague
Fragments, City Art Gallery, Tallinn
Anatomy of a Target, Atelier Karas Gallery, Kyiv

1998 Our Landscape. Epilogue, Naprotiv Gallery, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Our Landscape, Soros Center for Contemporary Art, Kyiv

1997 Botanical Garden, Atelier Karas Gallery, Kyiv

1996 Yakut Gallery, Moscow
The Place, Blank-Art Gallery, Kyiv
Card-index, National Museum of Russian Art, Kyiv

1994 Museum of Anna Akhmatova, St. Petersburg, Russia
The Place, Szuper Gallery, Munich, Germany
The Place, Blank-Art Gallery, Kyiv

1992 City Art Museum, Kaliningrad, Russia

1991 Guelman Gallery, Moscow

Group exhibitions:

2022 The Death of Marat, Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels

2021 Remember Yesterday, PinchukArtCentre, Kyiv

2019 ON PAPER IV, Museo d'Arte Contemporanea Calasetta, Casa Falconieri Calasetta, Sardegna, Italy
Anticipation, II Biennale of Young Art, parallel program, Botanical garden, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Danube Dialogues 2019, Viminacium Archaeological Park, Stari Kostolac, Serbia
The path of Aeneas, YermilovCentre, Kharkiv, Ukraine

2018 Libro d'Artista, Cartavetra gallery, Firenze, Italy

2017 City of KhA, National Art Museum of Ukraine, Kyiv
Diary, Research library of Ivan Franko National University, Lviv, Ukraine

2016 The black school. The Funen graphical workshop 40 years, Brandts Museum, Odense, Denmark
3rd Ukrainian Cross-Section Triennial of Contemporary Ukrainian Art, Wroclaw, Poland

2015 Practice of Metamorphosis, The Modern Art Research Institute of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Kyiv
Border Line. Ukrainian Art 1985—2004, PinchukArtCentre, Kyiv
Cossack contemporary, Bunsen Goetz Gallery, Nurnberg, Germany

2014 In our paradise, Ya Gallery art center, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Premonition: Ukrainian Art Now, Saatchi Gallery, London
In our paradise..., Modern Art Research Institute, Kyiv

2013 Economics in Art, Museum of Contemporary Art, Krakow, Poland
Contemporary Ukrainian Artists, Saatchi Gallery, London
Terrain Orientation, National Art Museum of Ukraine, Kyiv

2012 Contemporary Ukrainian Artists, Yermilovcentre, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Myth: Ukrainian Baroque, National Art Museum of Ukraine, Kyiv

2011 INDEPENDENT, Art Arsenal, Kyiv
20 years of Presence, Modern Art Research Institute, Kyiv
New Old Masters, Lviv National Gallery of Arts, Lviv, Ukraine
Space Odyssey 2011, Art Arsenal, Kyiv
Paper wars, LITEXPO, Art Vilnius ’11, Vilnius

2009 Pre-sale Sotheby's exhibition, London
Russian Poverty, III Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, Moscow
Tuning, Ya Gallery, Kyiv

2008 Russian Poverty, Contemporary Art Museum, Perm, Russia
Russia-2, White Box, New York, New York, USA
4x4 Ukrainian Art on Paper, Graphic Art Center, Vilnuis

2007 Book Lunch, Contemporary Art Center, Kyiv

2006 Postorange, Projectspace der Kunsthalle, Vienna
Golden Bee 7, International Biennale of Graphic Design, Moscow
New Space, PinchukArtCentre, Kyiv

2005 Corcoran 2005 Portfolio, Corcoran Museum, Washington DC

2004 Farewell to Arms, Contemporary art in Ukraine, Arsenal, Kyiv

2003 I Collection, Contemporary Art in Ukraine, Central House of Artists, Kyiv
International Graphic Art Symposium, Gyor, Hungary

2002 Pauper Papers together with Vera Khlebnikova, City Art Gallery, Tallinn

2001 Hate International Art Symposium, Czech Republic
The View From Here Issues of Cultural Identity and Perspective in Contemporary Russian and American Art, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
Handshakes and Earthquakes, S. Picker Gallery, London

2000 The Book of Days. Museum of Modern Life, Allested, Denmark
International Graphic Art Symposium, Gyor, Hungary
Border Space International Symposium, Czech Republic
Secrets Meier Vaneijsinga. Project en expositieruimte, Hague, Holland

1999 Matrix, Trieste, Italy
Russian-Ukrainian Art Books, The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow
Russian-Ukrainian Art Books, Grapheion Gallery, Prague
XX Artists of Ukraine (The End of the Century), Atelier Karas Gallery, Kyiv
Art Books of the 90th, City Gallery of Art, Kansas City, Missouri, USA

1998 Art Books of the 90th, Montpelier Art Centre, Maryland, USA

1997 Contemporary Print Show, Barbican, London

1996 A taste of Russian Artist’s Books Idaho Center for the Book, Boise, Idaho, USA
Moscow Studio, Corcoran Museum of Art, Washington DC International Art Festival, Kyiv

1995 The Book Garden Contemporary Russian Artists Books, University Library, Manchester, England

1994 Time of Transition, Royal Society of Printmakers and Painters, London
Seasons, Academy of Fine Arts, Odense, Denmark

1993 Flash, Den Frie, Copengagen

1991 Flash, Den Frie, Copengagen

1989 Sednev 89, State Museum of Ukrainian Art, Kyiv

1988 Sednev 89, House of Artists, Kyiv

, Pavlo Makov
acrylic, paper, multiple intaglio, colour pencils
160X117 CM
40 000 EUR
, Pavlo Makov
paper, multiple intaglio, colour pencils
152X115 CM
, Pavlo Makov
acrylic, paper, multiple intaglio, pencils
152x122 cm
, Pavlo Makov
paper, multiple intaglio, colour pencils
161X115 CM
, Pavlo Makov
acrylic, paper, pencil, multiple intaglio
72X50 CM
4 000 EUR
, Pavlo Makov
acrylic, paper, pencil, multiple intaglio
102X65 CM
5 000 EUR
, Pavlo Makov
acrylic, paper, pencil, multiple intaglio
102X65 CM
5 000 EUR
, Pavlo Makov
paper, multiple intaglio, colour pencils
61X160 CM
9 000 EUR
, Pavlo Makov
paper, multiple intaglio, colour pencils
61X160 CM
9 000 EUR
, Pavlo Makov
acrylic, paper, multiple intaglio
152Х117,5 СМ
25 000 EUR
, Pavlo Makov
paper, multiple intaglio, colour pencils
151Х120 СМ
25 000 EUR
, Pavlo Makov
paper, multiple intaglio, colour pencils
151Х120 СМ
25 000 EUR
, Pavlo Makov
paper, multiple intaglio, colour pencils
151Х120 СМ
25 000 EUR
, Pavlo Makov
acrylic, carton, multiple intaglio, colour pencils
151Х120 СМ
25 000 EUR
, Pavlo Makov
acrylic, paper, multiple intaglio, graphite pencil
152X120 CM
25 000 EUR
, Pavlo Makov
acrylic, multiple intaglio, graphite pencil
41х40,5 см
, Pavlo Makov
paper, multiple intaglio, colour pencils
20X20 CM
, Pavlo Makov
acrylic, paper, watercolour, multiple intaglio
31х43 см
, Pavlo Makov
acrylic, carton, multiple intaglio, colour pencils
120Х150 СМ
, Pavlo Makov
acrylic, paper, multiple intaglio, colour pencils
29х37,5 СМ
, Pavlo Makov
acrylic, paper, watercolour, multiple intaglio
33,х43,5 СМ
, Pavlo Makov
acrylic, watercolour, multiple intaglio
42x67,5 СМ
, Pavlo Makov
acrylic, paper, watercolour, multiple intaglio
41х160 СМ
, Pavlo Makov
acrylic, paper, watercolour, multiple intaglio
21,5х123,5 СМ
, Pavlo Makov
acrylic, paper, watercolour, multiple intaglio
41х160 СМ
, Pavlo Makov
paper, multiple intaglio, colour pencils
40X31 CM
, Pavlo Makov
35X46 CM
, Pavlo Makov
27x32 cм
400 EUR
, Pavlo Makov
20х27 см
, Pavlo Makov
25,1х27 см
300 EUR
, Pavlo Makov
pencil, multiple intaglio, acrylic paper
20х20 см
, Pavlo Makov
pencil, multiple intaglio, acrylic paper
14,5х14 см
, Pavlo Makov
pencil, multiple intaglio, acrylic paper
20.5X20.2 CM
, Pavlo Makov
paper, drypoint
30х32,7 см
, Pavlo Makov
paper, india ink, ink
37,7х50 см
2 400 EUR
, Pavlo Makov
35,4х39 см
500 EUR
, Pavlo Makov
34Х29,5 СМ
, Pavlo Makov
acrylic, paper, multiple intaglio, graphite pencil
28,5х21,5 см
, Pavlo Makov
35,5х45 см
, Pavlo Makov
24х30 см
, Pavlo Makov
acrylic, pencil, acrylic paper, pastel
38,5х49 см
3 000 EUR
, Pavlo Makov
paper, pencil, pastel
35х47 cм
, Pavlo Makov
acrylic, paper, multiple intaglio, graphite pencil
26.5x114 cм
, Pavlo Makov
26x29,5 cм
500 EUR
, Pavlo Makov
28x32 cм
2 500 EUR
, Pavlo Makov
29,5х44 см
, Pavlo Makov
paper, pencil, pastel, ink
36х48 см
3 000 EUR
, Pavlo Makov
paper, pencil, ballpoint pen
37,2х49 см
1 500 EUR
, Pavlo Makov
coal on paper, pastel
36x47,2 cм
1 500 EUR
, Pavlo Makov
33,5х43,3 см
1 500 EUR
, Pavlo Makov
coal on paper, pencil
41,2x31,4 cм
2 000 EUR
, Pavlo Makov
paper, india ink, pastel, ink
34,5x46 cм
3 000 EUR
, Pavlo Makov
25,2х27,2 см